I’m sure you’ve heard it before. There is an age-old stereotype that French women are more accepting and embracing of natural body hair, especially in areas like the armpits and legs. This aligns with a perceived French cultural attitude of being more relaxed about body hair.
However, this stereotype does not necessarily reflect the reality for all French women. Many French women do regularly shave or remove body hair, just as women do in other cultures.

Personal grooming choices are highly individual. Some French women may choose to shave, while others may not. There is no single “French” approach.
Societal and beauty norms can play a role, but French women, like women everywhere, make their own personal decisions about body hair based on their own preferences, comfort levels, and cultural influences.
Younger generations of French women may be more likely to embrace natural body hair, aligning with growing body positivity movements. But this is not universal.
So, while some cultural stereotypes may be true, the reality is that French women, like women globally, have diverse approaches to body hair removal. Their personal choices are highly individual!