It’s no secret that the French are known for their youthful looks and invigorating products that benefit skin and hair from the inside out. In fact, some of the most effective and renowned beauty products come from the French!
French Anti-Aging Secrets to Steal
How is it that this one culture has become a pinnacle in the beauty world? Much of it must have to do with some French anti-aging secrets, and I am here to unearth them all because thanks to the internet, we no longer have to be French to find out! So here are the French anti-aging secrets you’ve been dying to know – straight from someone who actually lives in France!

Accept Aging with Grace
The first French anti-aging secret is not what you may think, but it does involve how you think! The French are famous for their less-is-more approach to makeup and product usage, and this extends to the French anti-aging approach, too.
It is culturally suggested to embrace your aging hair, skin, and body with grace. This doesn’t mean you have to give in to it completely and let your hair go gray and your face makeup-less, but it does mean that you can and should recognize that every phase of life has different beauty within it.
When a young girl is growing up through childhood, her skin is clear and smooth and unscathed by life. As she gets older, she grows and experiences more. These life experiences–stress, trauma, hardship, childbearing, and more–show in her physical appearance.
But they are not flaws.
Rather, each freckle, stretch mark, and smile line show that she has had a life worth living, full of radiance and joy, and even pushed through sorrow! She has been through it all and lived to tell about it.
Aging is not something to be ashamed of; rather, it is something we should seek to show off to younger generations to exhibit the hope of what’s to come when you age with grace.
While the following steps can certainly reduce the physical signs of aging, others are inevitable and those that cannot be prevented must be accepted with the joys of how you got them (and the triumphs of what you overcame to have them).
Start with Proper Skincare Early
As far as the steps go to minimize the signs of aging that we can take, you must start with a proper skincare routine early in your life. Be aware that depending on how life goes, this may change. If you’re in puberty, out of puberty, have a baby, move to a new geographic location, or simply advance in age, your skincare routine may have to be adjusted with you.
So long as you do indeed have a tailored skincare routine, you’re off to a great start! The three primary steps every routine should have are cleansing, toning, and moisturizing.
You have to choose products best suited for you, which can take some trial and error. If you need a place to start, try Lancome’s skincare/product line quiz. It will help you identify problems you have with your skin and can suggest some amazing products in line with those infamous French anti-aging secrets.
Moisturize Daily
This step is crucial, especially if you suffer from dry skin or if you live in a hot or dry climate.
In fact, overly dry skin can sometimes result in oily skin because the derma is overproducing natural oils to try to compensate for the lack of moisture, resulting in more breakouts. This can be treated with a simple moisturizer, especially by using one in the morning (make sure it has SPF) and one in the evening.
It’s okay to try a few different brands before you settle on one. We suggest Lancôme, L’Occitane, or Caudalie.
Do a Simple Face Cleanse
Next up for French anti-aging secrets and skincare are to do a simple face cleanse. This does not have to be a harsh, overly chemicalized, or exfoliating treatment every time you wash. In fact, that could result in stripping the skin’s barrier and increasing its sensitivity, thus aging it faster. Instead, focus on a gentle wash for everyday use and use an exfoliator only once or twice a week.
One of the most highly-rated products in French beauty for cleansing is Caudalie’s Vinopure Pore Purifying Gel Cleanser. This gel-cream cleanser can be used day and night, and its primary active ingredients are Lavender essential oil, Lemongrass essential oil, Peppermint essential oil, Natural Salicylic Acid, Rosemary essential oil, and organic grape water. Simply massage it onto damp skin (avoiding the eyes) and once it has developed a light foam, rinse it gently with water.
Use Anti-Aging Products Before Wrinkles Appear
This one may come as a surprise, but once you think about it, it makes a lot of sense. You shouldn’t wait for wrinkles to appear before you start using anti-aging products! There are plenty of French skincare products you can begin using before the signs of aging appear.
If you’re anything like me, you overlooked anything that said “anti-aging” in your late teens or early twenties because you weren’t “old yet.” Then one day I woke up and realized… isn’t prevention the best medicine? So I dove in, and so should you! By preventing fine lines, reducing wrinkles, and preventing dark spots before you get them, you won’t have to worry as much about treating them.
Don’t Tell Everyone You Got Botox
This one can be a bit taboo depending on where you live and what your culture is. While most French women don’t get Botox (again, the less is more approach), some, of course, do. Their secret? Don’t tell anyone and don’t go more than once a year.
First, no one needs to know what you choose to do in this area, and unwanted opinions may actually cause you more stress (hence, more aging). As far as the once-a-year thing, if you go more than that you run the risk of showing that you use Botox.
Since the whole culture is focused on natural beauty, any overly puffed lips or stiffness will be perceived as unnatural and therefore, not very attractive. But again, to each their own when it comes to preventative and other types of Botox! Just make sure to consult your doctor or dermatologist before proceeding.
Use a Retinol Cream Regularly
Retinol has long been a French anti-aging secret that the rest of the world is just now catching up to.
If you’re confused as to how a retinol cream is any different than a normal cream, Harvard health says the following about the role of retinol: “Retinoids reduce fine lines and wrinkles by increasing the production of collagen.”
French pharmacies have a fantastic product to start off for anyone curious to integrate a Retinol cream into their evening routine: A313 cream.
For a retinol alternative, go with the Caudalie Resveratrol-Lift Firming Cashmere Moisturizer.
Get Plenty of Sleep
It’s no surprise that adequate sleep is on the ultimate list of French anti-aging secrets. With a 35 hour workweek (as opposed to the 40 hour minimum in the US) and longer breaks in their days, the French are provided with more time to prioritize sleep and rest.
Nonetheless, to help with aging sleep must be something to leave valuable time to do. This is more for your brain and other bodily functions beyond skincare, though. Studies have shown that sleep improves your concentration, brain functioning, and stress levels, helps repair cell damage, and builds your immune system. All of this is crucial when it comes to maintaining not only a younger-looking body but a sharper, younger-functioning mind, as well.
Use Anti-Aging Skincare Products for Your Skin Type
While we may suggest different products, everyone has unique skin. Most of the major French skincare lines recognize this and offer free quizzes and consultations to help you choose the French anti-aging products that are right for your skin type. You can always consult your dermatologist or esthetician regarding your specific needs so you can highlight and radiate your own brand of beauty. For the longest time, I thought I had oily skin, but after doing a consultation, it turned out I actually had combination skin!
Walk Everywhere You Go
This French anti-aging secret may surprise you. They suggest you walk everywhere you go (or at least as often as possible). Not only does this give you a good dose of Vitamin D, but walking will also keep you active, improve blood flow, and give you a little dose of exercise in your simple tasks. If you live in a city, this might be easy. If you don’t, just try to implement a 30-minute neighborhood walk into your daily routine. It might make all the difference!
Avoid Heavy Foundations that Age You
The French are known for their effortless beauty and minimal products, but did you know that’s also a French anti-aging secret? A lot of heavy makeup such as a thick foundation can actually make you appear older than you are. I have a French friend who swears her secret to looking young is not using foundation at all!
Too much makeup can result in acne, bumping skin, dryness, and sun damage (if you don’t put sunscreen on underneath). Instead, try using a lightweight and breathable BB cream or tinted moisturizer with a touch of mineral powder.
Stay Very Hydrated
Last but certainly not least, drink your water! While the French adore a glass of wine, they also recognize the importance of hydration when it comes to French anti-aging secrets. It’s really as easy as that. No tricks, no special brands. Just drink your water and then drink some more. Your body will thank you.
Now you know the top French anti-aging secrets!