Beauty standards can vary over time and across different social groups, so it’s difficult to make a sweeping statement about French preferences for eyebrow thickness. However, traditionally, French beauty and eyebrow standards have leaned towards a more natural and understated look.
There are differing French beauty standards and trends around eyebrow thickness in France, as in many places. Here are a few key points about French eyebrow trends and tastes!
In the 1990s and early 2000s, very thin, over-plucked eyebrows were popular in French fashion and beauty. The “ultra-thin” eyebrow look was often seen on French models and celebrities.
In more recent years, thicker, more natural eyebrows have become trendy. The “French girl” look now tends to feature bushier, fuller brows that are groomed but not overtweezed.
Fashion houses like Chanel and Dior have embraced thicker brows on runways and in ads, signaling a shift away from the 1990s pencil-thin ideal.
Celebrities like Marion Cotillard and Audrey Tautou often sport natural, well-groomed eyebrows rather than the highly stylized or overly thick brows that might be more popular in other cultures.
Many French women now aim for a fuller brow shape, though not necessarily very bold or dramatic. The desired look remains relatively groomed and shaped, just not as severely tweezed as in decades past.

Some regional and generational differences may exist, with older generations still favoring thinner arches in some areas. But in general, thicker, natural-looking eyebrows are now in vogue.
French fashion icons like Caroline de Maigret also showcase a less-is-more approach to beauty, where eyebrows are concerned.
In the end, personal preference varies greatly, and French women choose eyebrow styles to match their own tastes and styles. But the days of ultra-skinny brows being the ubiquitous French ideal seem to have passed.
Most contemporary French women likely prefer brows thicker than the 1990s fashion, but still nicely defined and maintained – fuller but not too bold or bushy. The very thin eyebrow is out of vogue. But personal choices in France span a wide spectrum.
That said, beauty trends are constantly evolving, and preferences can vary widely, so you’ll find French people sporting a range of eyebrow styles.